LocatedLausanneinGazaFrench-speaking Switzerlandand Lausanneis very important, where hoststhe International Olympic Committeeandtwo of the biggestuniversitiesinSwitzerlandanditsmany tourist attractionssuch as theMuseum of ArtandIFCSOlympicandsomehistoric churchesand LakeSauvabelinFor moreYou can readthe report ofthe most importantlandmarksof Lausannetourist
Bernis a city ofstunningandAhapathognomonicSwitzerland. Wherethis cityhas been ableto retainthehistoricfeaturessuccessfully.Themost famoussceneisthe most popularZytglogge (ByrneGerman"Bell Time"), a clock towerina medievalsettingwiththe Muppets. Includeother popularsitesinMunster,andthe Gothic cathedralthat risesfromthe old town, where the bearis a symbolofBern, keep themin theoutdoorgardenpit.Rose,whichoffers spectacular viewsof the city ofBern. Shopscoveredin Bernis thelongitudinalaboutabout 4milesandis the largestinEurope.
Ifyou are looking fora tourist destinationto spendspring breakGoingto Parisselectionmust takeinto account, especially ifyou prefer aromanticand culturalplacesand good foodoncethey reachtheremustconform totheChamps Elyseesandthecruiseon theSeinParis In spite of thefact that itcan easilybegivensomeguidelinesfrom the internetand goon your ownout there, butit would bewise toroamwitha local guide, whowill be eligibleto show youallthe beautiful thingsinParisandexplain to youthe city's historyand makes you feelNpdhawherewill guide youthroughyour touratthe Eiffel Towerandthe Trocaderoandthe dome andthe Louvre Museumand Notre DameandCity HallandtheOperaHouseGarnierandPlace de la Concordeandthe Arc de Triompheand many others After the touryou can takea cruiseon theAlsainValley andthe Loireone ofthe choices thatmust be takeninto accountduring your triptothe Loire Valleyyou canvisitChenonceauxCastleof AmboiseandKai,capital of theEuropeantherethe Latin Quarter, whereyou can findAlpantweinandthe Sorbonneand the Church ofSaint-GermainDhubriandenjoy thegardenLuxembourgfamousin theValleyIoarthereformore thanQotaintosee themwhereyouwill needfora half dayora full dayin order tosee In thedistrictof Montmartrewill give youa beautiful viewon theSacred HeartandSquaresequinMasagdaeveryonehereChristbha great eye, especially ifthetripwasa familywhere thechildrenwill enjoytheir triptoDisneyland Parkand enjoythe fresh airandall thatyouofferParis
Canada isthe second largestcountry in the worldto containthe wonders of nature, itis one of themoreplacescharacterized bynature,charming andattractiveadditionto theconsiderable technological progressand servicesbrilliant,Canada istohaveall the ingredientsto make itone of the countriesof destinationof touristsandthe most importanttourist areasthat are frequentlytouristshad: The RockieRocky Mountains Stretchof the Rocky Mountainsalong theCanadaand the United Statesof America,wheretouristsgoto it toclimbsteep mountainsand see theplants onthe surface ofthe mountainsand see thesnowfallingover themountains, givinga naturallandscapeof great beauty. Vancouver Islandand the Strait ofJohnstonVancouver Island - the Johnstone Strait This islandis characterized bytranquilityand magnificencewherefrequented by touriststo enjoythe wonderfulnature ofcoastaland watchthe movement ofthe waveson thebeachesand see thedolphinsareloversdestinationto relaxand rest. LakeLouiseLake Louise LakeLouiseis locatedinthe Rocky Mountains, butthis lakeis characterized bythatdistinctivecolor ofits watersas a result ofthe presence ofmetalsinrocksthat are foundunderwaterFiksdhamany touriststo takesouvenir picturesandseethat lake. Churchill,ManitobaChurchill, Manitoba Frequented by touriststo see therare animalsthat inhabitthemas theycontainlargenumbers ofpolar bearandbeluga whalesandseeif you visit thecity'swinterwillseethe aurora borealisandthe wonderfulcolorful flowers.
Recently, the cityof Gelendzhikhas become a popularplace to stay, not only amongRussiantourists, but alsoamong foreigners.Gelendzhikis locatedon the shore ofthe bayof the same namefrom one specieswhichis breathtaking.
The cityof Gelendzhikmeans "White Bride",which is true:the citylooks like awhite flower thatblossomedamong thelushgreeneryandpicturesque.
Gelendzhikis located next toMarkotkhskyridge,whichis a natural protectivebarrier tothe cold windsfrom the north.This city isknown for its greatentertainment andtravelconditionsthat attracttourists fromall over the world.
Gelendzhikisone of the largestwaterfrontsin the world,a huge variety ofhotels, resorts, guest houses(among which are"Gelendzhik","Blue Wave", "Torch" and "Chernomorets").The city hasa lot ofwater parks andnightclubs
This holiday resortsubtropical climate, sothe winter is warm, soft,and the averagesummer temperature is26.The best timefor a beach holidayin Gelendzhik-are June, July, August and September.
Gelendzhikis famous notonly the opportunity toenjoya beach holiday, this cityis also richin attractionsandbreathtaking scenery.For example,there is aridgeonMarkotkhskyviewing platformwhereeveryone canenjoy the panoramic viewof the city,the waterfront,meet the sunset.
The city is alsothe Dolphinarium,where, togetherwith children orbyadultscan enjoy thespectacularperformanceof dolphinsdoing adifferentbreathtakingtricks withhoops,balls andallthe music.Those who wish toalso havethe opportunity tobe photographed withthese clever animalsorswimwith the dolphinsin the team.
Rest in Gelendzhik,worth a visitwater parkswith a huge varietyof slides,rides andother attractions.The main feature ofthe largestRussianwater parkcalled "Golden Bay"is the locationof water ridesso thata vacationercanvisit themin turn.Alsoin thisareathere is awater parkto park, a place whereyou cantake some food, hotel,sports ground, a dancearea and alarge number ofsouvenir shops.In the water parkto the servicesof youngvacationersare invitedkidsinstructor, ableto entertainandlook after thechildrenin the absence ofadults.
Gelendzhikisa winerywhose doorsare open to allwho wish to visitthe company,listen to the fascinatingstoriesabout the development ofthe plant, the peculiarities ofthe grapes,andtaste differentwines.
Gelendzhikprovidesa unique opportunity tohorsetoursalong the shores ofthe variouslakes,wherethe fresh aircanholda tasting of severalbrands of wine,see the beauty ofthe waterfalls,take a walkto the desertFeodosia-miracle-worker, and visit theapiary,where there isthe opportunity to tastethe honey andlisten to interestingstoriesabout the waysproductionof honey.
History buffswill beinterested to see theburialnearbyriverJanet,as well asvisit thetour tosee the ancientmonuments andstatuesmade of stone-dolmens,which, accordingto legends,ableto meet the desiresof travelers.Doorshistory museumsare opento all comersinto the world ofantiquityand eternity.
Summer vacation inMonaco,surelylong be rememberedvisitors.Every five years,the festival offireworkshere, which brings together the winnersof previous activities. In 2014, the year will be heldin Monacoissuch a finale. Beforea colorful showand after thetourists waiting foran outdoor concert. The siteof the festivalaudience willvote for their favoriteparticipants.
2In Monacocome anddueattractions.Principalityconsistsof the districts ofLa Condamine,Fontvieille, Monte Carlo and Monaco-Ville. The latter isin thecenter of the countryat CapeSt. Antoine. This is wherethe main attractions: the Cathedral, theHistorical Archives, the residence of the ruling family, the chapel ChapelledelaMisericordia, the Wax Museum, the Museum of Napoleon, and Schlossplatz.
2Beachesare an integralpart of thesummer holidays.Inthe Principality of Monacoaresandywithclear waters.Raphael-Frejus, St-Jean-Cap-FerratandCaps Martinwill givean even tan, getthatis unlikely to beanywhere else.The cost of attendancewill be10-35euros.The ticketwill givethe right to usethe changing area, restaurants, toilets,showersand bars.Forthe storage chamberanda sunbedwill have to pay10 or15 euros.Ina city withthe beachcan be reachedby publicelevator.
Pricesnaturein Monacocan be foundon the Internet.You can alsofindcheapbeach tours(sea tour) inEurope, Asia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates.
3Oceanographic Museum, located in Monte Carlo, deserves special attention.Founded itin 1889to the year.In 1957, the year of establishmentbecamedirectorJacques Cousteau. In the museumthere is a richcollectionof stuffed animalsand skeletonsof sea creatures, models of shipsand weapons.The ticketcosts 14euroshere.
4Monacois famous for itscasinos,is the oldestin the world.In the first roomis not respectedthe dress code, becauseto gethereeverybody can. Hereset onlyslot machines.Rouletteand othergames of chancein this roomis not found. They are in otherrooms.Per visitthey will haveto pay 10 eurosand comein special clothes.
5Nightlifein Monacoalsoattracts tourists. ThisEuropean countryis a place ofrestand partiesof the richand famous.In thenightclubs and barsof Monacodoes not subsidenightlife.